How To Register To Vote

It’s great that you want to register to vote in Arizona!  The process is pretty simple, but there are a few steps

The first thing to know is that there is no same day registration in Arizona. You must register at least 29 days before the election you want to vote in.

Now, let’s make sure you are eligible.  To register to vote you must meet these qualifications:

  • A citizen of the United States of America
  • A resident of Arizona for at least 29 days
  • At least 18 years of age by the next general election
  • No felony conviction, unless civil rights are restored
  • Not adjudicated incompetent

Finally, decide how you want to register:  online, by mail or in person.  You can register online if you have a valid Arizona Driver License or State ID  issued after 1006.  You will need to enter your license or ID number to use the online system.  If you don’t have a qualifying  Driver License or State ID, or you just don’t like computers, you can register by mail or in person.  Click below to learn more…


Voter Registration Drives

As election season heats up there will be registration events held in public places. This is a convenient way to register to vote. They are generally sponsored by an organization and will have people available to help you fill out a Voter Registration Form.  Some events are sponsored by nonpartisan organizations like the League of Women Voters. Others are sponsored by political parties or other partisan organizations.  No matter who sponsors the event, they are not permitted to pressure you to join a political party.